Pandora Games 3D – XML Installation

Thomas Bouvrette posted the installation files required to push the Puzzle Bobble 3 rom to the main games list of the Pandora Games 3D, with video! Turns out that he got the files in an unencrypted state with his board.
A few of these settings can be fiddled around with to install games for other emulators. The PG3D manual gives a few clues as to what we can expect.

Megadrive, Mastersystem, Gamegear, Sega CD, Sega 32X, MAME, PS1, NES, SNES, GBA, GBC, GB, PCE, FBA, PSP and N64 seems to be all possible with this unit.
Quite happy with my purchase now – Who the heck wants a locked down system?