What’s DIFFERENT with Pandora 3D SAGA 2650???

From experience, we knew that the SAGA was an Amlogic s812 board, much like the PG3D- however, in the last few days it has come to our attention that board manufacturers have recently been cutting more corners when it comes to these systems.

First and foremost, what we’ve warned of earlier with “amount of games” – check our “Buying a Pandora” section. Yes, you’ll be getting 2650 games, but the bulk will be 8 and 16 bit console titles, with the larger PSP games removed (compared to the 2448 variant).

Our biggest shock however, was that onboard system data and firmware has all been removed, so all system data is now located on the MicroSD card.
This means:
- No more can we easily jump to a larger MicroSD simply by copying over the games folder.
- Pandory tool is still able to add games to the microSD / usb stick. *Thanks Mr.Brine for confirmation!*
- Current Jailbreak method will likely not work.
- You MIGHT be stuck on poor firmware with bad emulation (August 2019- check your settings)
- Can act as a “safety net”. Should be easier to “unbrick” your unit by simply writing out another MicroSD.
How to know if you have one of these systems? Simply take out the MicroSD- and see if you get a bootscreen or not. Black screen? Your system’s on the MicroSD!
Our friend in the Discord also stated that his board is blue/green, (not black), and the version without WIFI bought from the SAGA store.

If you own one of these systems, please try not to worry. We only just found out about this 2-3 days ago- Early days. Remember to enjoy what you have, and please join our discord channel– you may be able to help out many others in a similar situation!

#pandora3dsaga #hardware #change #pandora